- Romania
Dupa cum spune si titlul postarii , fiind o comunitate noua pe piata jocurilor avem nevoie de cat mai multe ajutoare.
Cautam Admin pentru urmatoarele servere :
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike GO
GTA San Andreeas Multy Player
In momentul in care unul din oamenii alesi vine cu un proiect bun i se va oferii serverul sa isi desfasoare activitatile
Mai avem nevoie si de ajutor la forum
Designeri sau Webmaster
- English
As the title of the post says, being a new community on the gaming market we need as much help as possible.
We are looking for an Admin for the following servers:
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike GO
GTA San Andreas Multy Player
When one of the chosen people comes with a good project, he will be offered the server to carry out his activities
We still need help on the forum
Designers or Webmaster